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시제와 가정법

category 영어/grammer 2020. 10. 27. 22:26

현재 / 과거 / 미래


Robert ususally takes the subway to commute to the office


I shipped the requested sample products to the buyer two days ago


I will do my best to win the tennis competition

  • 현재 진행형(be+~ing) 와 be going to + 동사원형 또한 미래를 나타냄

We are having lunch with Dan on Wendnesday

Brenda is going to visit her sister in Boston tommorrow

  • 또한 현재시재로도 미래 표현가능

Minos Apparel's annual charity event begins two weeks from now

  • 시간종속절이 현재시제인경우 --> 다음문장은 미래시제

시간종속절(when,before,after,as soon as, once, if, unless, by the time)

When the writer finishes the first draft, it will be reviewed immediately by the editor

이와 같이 종속절에 현재시제 finishes가 들어가있는경우 다음 문장으로는 미래시제가 와야한다.

if the proposal is approved, the publisher will send you a timetable

현재 진행/ 과거 진행/ 미래 진행

현재 진행 시제(be+ ~ing)

She is talking on the phone at the moment

대게 현재나 현재 진행 시제 같은경우 currently,usally,now 같은 단어들이 같이 쓰임

  • 반복적인 행동들은 현제시제로 쓰임

Mr.Clark is usally gives us time off in the afternoon (보통 오후에 우리에게 휴식시간을 준다->항상 주는것임)

과거 진행 시제(was/were+ ~ing)

I was watching TV at 8 o'clock last night

미래 진행 시제(will be+ ~ing)

By this time next monday, we will be traveling to Paris (다음주 월요일 이때쯤이면, 우리는 파리로 여행을 가고 있을 꺼야)

진행 시제로 쓸수없는 단어들

surprise shock hate prefer want believe

include need be know exist consist

현재 완료(has/have+p.p)

1.과거의 경험(ever, never, yet)

Jerry has never eaten Thai food

2.방금 완료된일(already, just)

I have just asked the shipping department to process your order

3.과거~지금까지 쭉하는일(for, since)

Over the past few days, heavey snow has fallen continously

Heavy snow has been falling recently

과거 완료(had+p.p)

특정 시점이 존재함

When i arrived at the station, the train had already leftthe Tv show had already ended by the time I turned on the TV 

미래 완료(will have +p.p)

미래 시점에 완료될 것임을 표현

Jim will have lived in this house for 10 years by next month (다음달이면 jim은 이집에서 10년동안 살아온것이 된다)Elenor will have worked at Trine Bank for 15 years next year (내년이면 elenor은 은행에서 15년 일해온것이 된다)

시제 일치 단어들

과거 현재 현재 완료 미래-미래 완료
시간 표현+ago
last+시간 표현
in+ 과거
each month(year)
in the last(past)
over the last
next+시간 표현
as of +미래
by the time+주어+현재동사


He begun going to the health club last week

현재 완료

Doris has rented that flat since she came to L.A

미래 완료

He will have relocated to Dallas by the time the branch opens (by the time 주어+현재동사)

과거 완료

He had departed for the conference by the time it was canceled (by the time 주어+과거동사)


  • 주절이 과거시제일 경우, 종속절에는 과거/과거 완료가 나옴

Mr.Fisher informed us that the trainees' orientation was conducted yesterday

  • 그러나 현재 나 미래시제가 나올수도 있음

She stated the team has developed methods to measure pollution (그녀는 그 팀이 오염을 측정하는 방법을 개발해 왔다고 말했다)The agent told his clients that property prices will drop next year (그 중개인은 고객들에게 부동산 가격이 내년에 하락할 것이라고 말했다.)

가정법 미래/ 과거/과거 완료

미래 (should+동사원형, will(can, may, should)+동사원형)

If it should snow tomorrow, i will stay indoors  (가능성 희박한 미래)

과거 (과거동사, would(could,might,should)+동사원형)

If that television were cheaper, i would buy it today (현재의 반대를 가정)

과거 완료 (had p.p, would(could,might,should)+have p.p)

If someone had offered me a ride, i  might have gone to the concert (과거의 반대를 가정)

  • 혼합가정법

if 주어 had p.p, 주어 would 동사원형  : 만약 ~ 했었다면, 지금 ~ 할 텐데

If i had accepted the team leader position last year, I would be a manager now

(혼합 가정법에는 뒤에 now 또는 today 같은 힌트가 나온다.)

IF 없는 가정법 도치

If i had completed my master's degree, i would have gotten a better job

Had i completed my master's degree, i would have gotten a better job

  • 주어 would 동사원형+without+명사(~이 없다면 ~할 것이다.)
  • 주어 would have p.p+without+명사(~이 없었다면 ~했을 것이다.)
  • if 절 대신 otherwise를 쓰기도 한다

She made a reservervation; otherwise(=if she had not made a reservation) she wouldn't have gotten a table

(그녀는 예약을 했다, 그렇지 않았다면, 그녀는 자리를 얻지 못했을 것이다.)



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동명사  (0) 2020.12.01